Friday, June 15, 2007

Doctors visit...

I have had some numbness in my big toe for about a week now. It started as soon as I started my new job and has been between really numb and half-numb since then. Darryl thought it was probably my shoes, that they were too tight, because of that and because they were incredibly unfortable to stand in for 8 hours we got me new shoes, still numb. I went to the clinic today to check it out, feeling dumb but I didn't want to ignore it and find out it was something serious. I got good news and bad news, she said it was probably nothing, 95% likely it was nothing but there is a chance I could have ms. They wont test me for it with just my toe numb but if three body parts get numb then my doctor will have to send me for an MRI. She kept telling me not to worry and I should be relieved its nothing but who can ignore that there is a chance it could be something. As soon as it went numb and didn't go away I thought it could be ms but I never said it out loud and I kept my worries to myself but then Darryl mentioned he was worried and thought it may be ms as well. My older sister thought I was insane and that I was paranoid, guess I showed her.

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