Thursday, January 25, 2007


I barely ever write anything bad about people but when I do I get so paranoid that they are going to find my blog and what I wrote about them and then hate me. I know I am retarded but, for some reason I don't realise people have better time then to google my nickname. One person in particular that I wrote something bad about I know doesn't have anything better to do but, I don't think that person would think of that and the fact that I told her I had a blog with blogger. I have thought about deleting the entry but I feel that way and this is my blog so I will write what I want damnit!

I was watching American Idol last night and this girl fucked up on her song or whatever and she said she was starting to freak out and that she forgot to take her medication funny, and she totally looked like a sketch-bag which added to the funniness slash scariness of it.

My name is Jackie and I am a bum

Day one through three of being unemployed were very busy and fun. Day four so far consists of me yelling at a guy from Girls Gone Wild (don't ask), being hung up on, and talking to my two sisters one hungover and one with a headache both are not rare for either of them.

I went to my first wedding show last weekend with my maid of honour and one of my brides maids and it was a lot of fun. It was nice to be the center of attention with our group, we were there for me, the decisions were mine to make etc. Christina won a chocolate gift basket and was nice enough to give it to me. My new three pounds and my tummy must thank her. The chocolate was actually in a really nice basket that I am going to use in my bathroom in the future. For the most part I saw some nice cakes and sweet ass limo's but nothing new really, and I really think because we were in the city that everything is going to be much more expensive so I can't wait to go to the local one in a couple of weeks. Since I have been going to some bridal shows I have also been looking at some halls and talking to a caterer. I know its still really early but I want to know a budget and how much I need to save.

The drive on the way there was interesting, I opted not to take the 400 so the back roads were barely plowed, it was so cold the inside of my windows were frosted and after being scraped kept re-frosting, my windshield washer nosel was frozen, making seeing difficult on top of the bad roads. Then we can't find the road we need so I do a youie to go back to the highway I know and almost get t-boned.

I have an interview tonight, I am not getting my hopes up because I don't think it will pay the wage I want. I almost feel like calling them and asking what the wage is to save our time but if it is a good rate then I may have ruined it for myself so instead I will just wait.

Friday, January 12, 2007

You know what I hate? When you say, "thank you" to someone and they say, "ya". Who the hell raised you? Wolves? It is common knowledge that when someone says thank you you are supposed to say you're welcome, it is the polite thing to do. Darryl goes with the "ya" route and he says its because its like you're acknowledging that you did a favor for them, say ya is like say no big deal, don't meantion it kind of thing. I don't agree and I think its rude.

I had to get that out of my system.

I am going to my first bridal show next weekend which I am so stoked about. Apparantly they give you prezzies and everything which will be cool. Then we are going to go for a m anicure and pedicure since I am in dire need of one with doing warehouse work for the past two months. I have no nails to speak of and my feet are getting so dry and grosse and I normally have cute, cuddly feet.

There is this guy I work with that is cute and smells like urgh...umm...pine...and musk...yuck...anyway I think he likes me. He is really flirty, doddles so that he can walk with me to break and back, always stocks my shelves, makes sure to ask me if I need anything. But, then there are other times when he says, "ya" when I say thank you (lol okay I am dropping it) and he asks what do you want now when I ask for stock repeatedly, and its like hello rudeness! Its not like I care if he likes me or not, I am madly in love with my stud muffin but I would just like to know if I still got what it takes you know? lol

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Darryl and I were having a conversation about divorce and relationships breaking up in general and how too often we hear stories about on half of the couple taking the other one for all they are worth. What ever happened to just breaking up, splitting your things and going your seperate ways. I said to Darryl, if we ever break up I will just take my things and move into my moms house with my tail between my legs and start over. Darryl said that he doesn't picture us breaking up that if our relationship does end it will be in divorce. *silence*

Wait a second, divorce? Most people when they think about marriage they think about forever with just one person, kissing the same person for the rest of your life. Until that moment I was not afraid of marriage I cannot wait to begin forever with him. But now that I think about the possibility of divorce, the slow decline of our relationship leading up to divorce scares the shit out of me. That makes me second guess getting married, what if everything that follows marriage strains our relationship and causes our eventual break up but if we just stayed together without marriage it would be okay. There are a lot of people out there that, that is their theory, that marriage kills relationships. My ex once said isn't it better to experience all of the happiness over the years and good timse even though you wont be together forever, and at the moment in mine and his relationship and he asked me that I said yes, and I ended up ending the relationship because no its not worth it. I mean, you can never spend FOREVER with someone, there will always be an ending but thinking about fighting with Darryl and being so miserable that we divorce scares me so bad. I wish it was like in the old days when vows meant something and people didn't get divorced. When forever actually meant something...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

wholey almost a month

There is this girl I sit with at work that drives me insane, yet entertains me somehow. When we first met she told me all about her parents splitting up and about her problems with her mom within the first couple sentances we said to eachother. Then she told me that she loves Green Day and is absolutely obsessed with them, now this strikes a chord because I love Green Day. Now I am not the biggest fan ever but it annoys me that she is a fan because she is a fake jump on the band wagon fan. I have been a fan ever since Dookie and to some fans that isn't enough and well thats fine. She has been a fan for about a year now. About 6 months after the American Idiot cd when they got big everywhere.

Then she tells me about this guy that her mom is setting her up with, cool, sounds good and then she tell me that he says he is going out with his friends for a couple of drinks and that is why he can't e-mail her that night, and she says, "I hope he isn't an alcoholic". OH MY GOD, guys can go out socially and drink without being an alcoholic. This girl is 26 years old and acts like she is 18 I swear.

Then she tells me she had a relapse over the weekend and thsi is why she is upset and I was thinking oh my god was she a drug addict at one point or an alcocholic? No, she is talking about smoking, smoking is a really bad addiction but I wouldn't call doing it again after being quit a relapse, I use that word for really serious things like heroine or alcohol addiction. So now everytime I talk to her it is about her smoking just like a teenager would be with a new cool habit. "I was on the way into work this morning in my moms car and I don't want her to find out so I had the window down on the highway and the wind kept blowing my cigarette out", " it was almost the end of break and I had finished my cigarette so I was really trying to hurry and suck it down", like fuck my lungs are pink, I am not going to run out of breath at work and I wont start hacking up a lung all the time, I really don't think its cool that you are smoking.

But it entertains me in a way because she talks non-stop not requiring any sort of answer so I can just sit there during break half listening half laughing about the comments she makes, relax and not think about all the problems in my life.