Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tomorrow is Friday and I can't express how happy I am about that

I found this hilarious blog yesterday that I have been absolutely addicted to. She writes everything I think about people but don't say and she has such a witty and funny way of writing it that is awesome. I am going to add her link to my list and you guys definately have to go check her out. I found this picture on her blog that I found true of a lot of employees and absolutely hilarious.

I spoke to my dad last night for the first time in probably four months or so. Plus normally everytime he calls me he needs something, either his computer isn't working or when I worked at my part time job he wanted a discount or whatever. Last night he called me three times, twice on my cell and once at home so I thought for sure he had, had some emergency with the computer. I called him as soon as I finished unloading the groceries and to my surprise he just wanted to talk. We talked about my aunts 50th birthday party this weekend, I would have liked to get an invite but we aren't close at all so I am not surprised I didn't. He asked me if my sister "got that fucking thing out of her face yet?" thing he means ring and by face he means lip. All in all we had a great conversation that made me really glad I called him back instead of doing what I normally do which is pretend I never saw he called and ignore him, although it would have been hard to ignore two messages.

Darryls mom is coming to visit this weekend so we have decided as an early Mothers day gift to take them both out to dinner. I thought it would be a great way for them to get to know eachother better, which they actually get along really well now. She is coming up to help me with my garden and since she is getting rid of one of her gardens she has dug up 20-25 flowers for me. She is so great.

In other news I got invited to my first buck and doe for one of my friends that are getting married. I feel like a grown up! I met the bride at my old part time job, I got hired about a week before her and we both stayed there about 3 years. After she had worked there about a year, she got her boyfriend a job there so I got to know him quite well too. They are both great people and a great couple so I am so excited they are finally getting married. Plus she has almost the exact engagement ring I want so I am going to go and see if I can slip it off her finger while she is not looking. teehee.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Its a rainy day in pizzaville

Its rainy this morning, my nose is stuffed, my tummy aches and I am freezing to death. Other then that this morning has been very good so far. I made the majority of my lunch last night so I had lots of time to eat my breakfast and relax. Unfortunately I did forget my flavored water which really sucks but oh well. This weekend is supposed to be really nice so thats all I can ask for I guess. Apparantly this morning it was snowing but I was lucky enough to still be in bed at that point.

Last night was wonderful, I got to spend time with Darryl since he took the day off which was really nice. It had been seven days since I had seen him before that so I was definately going into studmuffin withdrawal. teehee.

Okay everybody April 26th is Administrative Professionals day send greetings and flowers to your favorite assistant and be really nice to them. You knowwhat sucks is nowhere I have ever worked celebrates this holiday so all of my years being an administrative assistant I have got squat.

This weekend was interesting to say the least. Friday night was pretty boring, I went and rented some movies and watched Pride and Prejudice which was really good, it is a total chick flick but good. Saturday I got up around 11am or so, went out shopping with my sister and her bf for appliances andstuff and then I went to Costco with my other sister and had my vavo and my mom over for dinner. We just had some pizza's I bought at Costco sinceI am on this diet I didn't have a whole lot of dinner food. I was planning on making a couple of lasagna's for dinner but my mom wouldn't tell me whether she was coming over for sure or not and I didn't want to buy the stuff and then not make it.

Saturday night I went over to my friends house and drank and I originally wasn't planning on going to the bar with them but there were so many people there that I used to work with that were so happy I was there and really wanted me to go out that I couldn't resist. I lasted about 30 minutes at thebar until I got kicked out for being too drunk. It was so weird I had about 4 vodka and waters at the house and then when we went to the bar I had one smirnoff and hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't remember what happened for me to get kicked out so I probably deserved it.

All of Sunday was spent either throwing up or trying to get food to stay down. It was not pretty. My friend from London stopped by on his way hometo find me, un-showered, post-throwing up five minutes earlier, no bra on, still in my pj's....long story short I was looking hot! Needless to say he didn't stay long we just chatted about what we had been up to and I was slowly eating oatmeal praying that it would stay down.

The highlight of Saturday night is that I had this really hot buff guy that we went to the bar with dancing with me and hitting on me all night. It was a good confidence booster thats for sure.

Have a great day all!

Friday, April 21, 2006

don't let your love pass me by

Well let me tell you, I am super happy with my g.i diet, I have lot an inch and a half in my waist and 5 pounds, wahoo! I am so excited, there were a couple of days I cheated. Monday I swear I was on the seafood diet, I saw food and I ate it, for dinner I had chips and dip, chocolate eggs and sour patch kids and then as a snack while I was fixing our computer I had a bunny Other then that I had pepsi with my dinner 3 out of the 4 days so far so I mean you can still lose weight and cheat a bit. The say in the book that the first week you will lose a lot and it will be mostly water so we will see how things go next week.

I think my cat is plotting against me. For any of you that have cats you know the area around their litter box is a pain in the ass because when they barry their "stuff" they get little all over the floor. This drives me nuts because I have the litter box in the laundry room which is a high traffic area because it is also the door from the garage. My sister told me about the litter that she uses that is heavier and therefore doesn't end up on the floor quite as easily, so I decided to try it. Now I agree there definately was a lot less but it is the size of the salt you put on your sidewalk to melt iceso when I stepped on it, it hurt A LOT more then the small little pebbles I usually use. Plus is was white and blue so it would turn yellow like snow whenshe would go pee so it would look horrible. Then I decided that I would get one of those litter boxes with a lid on it thinking that should wouldn't be ableto kick it out of the box with a lid on it, well she managed and I have no idea how. There is this small door for her to get in and she manages to get the little through that hole and on the floor, I end up having to sweep the floor three times a week and I still hurt my feet stepping on them, and trackthem all over my house by stepping on them. There is a door you can put on it but when she was younger she had a traumatic experience with a doorvery similar to this one so I would rather have to deal with some little on the floor then some kitty poo on the floor.

I have no idea what I am doing this weekend, I have no plans. One of my friends is coming up from London so I am thinking about going out with him for dinner or something. I might also go out with Sammy to a movie. It sucks that it it supposed to rain all weekend or else I would plan to do a bunch of stuff outside around the house and go here and there but when its crappy outside its kind of hard to get that stuff done.

Have a great weekend all!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Monday bloody Monday

Day One of the G.I Diet so far it Well we still haven't gone grocery shopping so with no food in the house to begin with and then saying I can't eat 90% of it there is even less to bring to bring for breakfast and lunch. The part the sucked the most was weighing myself this morning and measuring my waist. It says in the book that you should do that once a week, lets just say the outcome wasn't pleasant. I am going to search some sites on the net and hopefully find some that have some good tips. I think it will be fine once I get used to it and actually have some groceries to make stuff with.

I got my blood test on Thursday despite my many attempts to convince Darryl I could go this week..teehee. He said I was a champ and that I did awesome. Valerie told me that if I told them that I was squeemish that they would let me lie down but no such luck the lady just told me to close my eyes...bitch. I still have a bruise on my arm but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, thank you for the well-wishing Lisa! I definately don't want to make a habit of it but once every 14 years is good with j/k.

My weekend was wonderful, Friday morning we went to Darryls parents place for Easter dinner and then spent Saturday there just lazing around, we went shopping in the morning to get me some gardening tools and then later in the afternoon to get me a hanging planter for on our deck. Saturday night we had my sister over to watch the pay per view fight which was a lot of fun but, I ended falling asleep because my allergies were too bad to stay awake. Sunday was supposed to be a productive day but I ended up not really getting anything done until 2pm and then I started some spring cleaning which made us feel a lot better because the house has been on the boarder of messy and clean.I think its that we aren't organised anymore so everything is messy but clean on the outside kind of thing. I am planning on spending the majority of the week cleaning the house and cleaning the flower beds outside so that they can flourish. I was really happy on Sunday when I noticed that my dafodils have bloomed and I have some other purple flowers that have bloomed as well.

Have a great day all!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

where are the easter eggs?

Its Wednesday...hoorah! After today its one more day until the long weekend. Its my friend Sammy's birthday tomorrow so we are thinking about goingto the bar with everyone to celebrate. Darryl hasn't been to a bar in forever so he really wants to go and we had pita's last night and he really wantsdrunk pita's like we normally do on bar nights. Me on the other hand feel old when I go to this particular bar we are going to and it is too small everyone is jammed in there and people are pushing and shoving and it is just not my scene at all. I go without him to the bar though so I understand him wanting to go so we will probably just do whatever he wants.

I went to the doctors yesterday about my knees which have been killing me and to get sent for a diabetes test. My boyfriend is really happy that I am going just to be on the safe side. We do not eat the best the majority of the time, well we eat well just we also we a lot of junk food, plus it runs in myfamily so I feel its better safe then sorry. My doctor also suggested for diabetes and/or my knees I should lose some weight, he suggested the G.I diet. My sister was on something similar to that, not as strict and she lost a lot of weight so I am feeling fairly confident about it. I am going to get thebook on it tonight and read up before I get started.

About three months ago I deleted and blocked my ex from my msn, it seemed like everytime I talked to him I would get mad and he never took any responsibility for what happened in our relationship, that would just piss me off more then anything. Last week I decided that I may not be ready to talk to him on msn but I want to write him an e-mail to see how things are going, this morning I got a response from him and I found myself really happyabout it. He just wrote about how he hates writing and about whats new with his family and stuff but, it was really nice just hearing fromhim. We were together for 3.5 years and although he was a huge asshole as a boyfriend he is still a really good friend. He asked if I was engaged yet,I wish I could have told him yes but, no. What is weird is that I have been waiting for him to respond to the e-mail and then last night I had a dream about him that I was dating him and we were basically broken up but I didn't break up with him, and I was dating Darryl at the same time and he kept bugging me asking me if I broke up with Chris yet or not. Then I get to work and find out he e-mailed me back....weird.

I am going for my blood test tomorrow after work, I am not very happy that I have to cancel my guitar lessons but I think one is way more important then the other. After I told my doctor I wanted one he was trying to convince me to go right away as soon as we were done. I have told Darryl that he needs to be there with me, I haven't had a blood test in probably 14 years so I am really really nervous. I know the more I tense up the more it will hurtso I am trying to calm myself down and realise its not a big deal.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Wahoo four day week!

I had a great weekend surprisingly. Do you ever have words that no matter how many times you spell it you spell it wrong, then right and are not sure is that is the right way to spell it, surprisingly made me think of that because I always want to spell it suprisingly. Vacuum is another one personally two'u's does not look right. And you know what just as I am writing this post I wrote surprisingly I am actually very good at spelling its my grammar that sucks. I remember when I was little I hated trying to learn how to read basically all of my friends learned how to read in grade 1 and witha lot of hard work on my older sisters part I learned how to read in grade 2. Thank goodness I did or I would have failed because that was one of the prerequisites that you needed in order to get into grade 3.

When I was in kindergarten there were these series of books that everyone wanted to borrow from the library the little miss chatterbox, and little miss curious etc. We were getting a tour of the library one day and we had asked if any of these books were there which they weren't so all of the kids including me were really upset. Just as I was sitting there trying to rack my brain over what book I could possibly want to take out instead one of thebooks was brought back. As soon as they announced that me and every other kid in my kindergarten class ran for the table it was on, I got tripped andflew into one of the metal chairs, chin first. All of the sudden blood starts gushing from my chin as everyone is rushing with kleenex to try and soak it upa bit. They brought me to the office where there was a first aid kit that could try and stop the bleeding or at least slow it down a bit and called my sister from class to call my mom or something. As soon as she comes around the corner she sees me sitting on the desk with blood all over my shirt so she automatically starts panicking. I had to go and get some stitches and to this day still have a scar.
Christina was doing my make-up on Saturday and pointed out my scar which made me think of that story. I let her cut my hair and make some "side bangs" as she likes to call them. I started out with total confidence in her then she kept saying things like, "I can't believe you are letting me do this". I started to get really worried that she would fuck something up but it turned out good and I am very happy about them. Here is my new 'do:

Friday, April 07, 2006

another quizerooni!


Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. baker
2. waitress
3. sales associate
4. receptionist

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. The Story of Us
2. Almost Famous
3. You've Got Mail
4. Emperors New Groove

Four places you have lived:
1. Barrie, On.
2. Stroud, On.
3. here
4. there

Four Places you would live:
1. Portugal
2. New Brunswick
3. middle of bum fuck nowhere
4. BC

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Gilmore Girls
2. King of Queens
3. Sex and the City
4. House

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Portugal
2. Cuba
3. Spain
4. Dominican Republic

Four web sites you visit most often:
1. hotmail
2. the weather network
3. the blogs on my list
4. gmail

Four favorite foods:
1. seafood
2. ribs
3. steak
4. wings

Four places you would rather be right now:
1. Shopping (with money)
2. Any pub will do
3. Cuba
4. home in bed


A lot of really shitty things have happened to me in the last 24 hours, well two really shitty things so I am debating on what to do this weekend. I really dont want to be a lone to think and wallow. I was debating on going to visit Lo Lo but she is about two hours away and I will think that entire drive and arrive depressed and not much fun. Staying at home by myself doesn't sound like much fun although I do have a lot that needs done around thehouse and I could keep myself occupied with that. Darryl invited me to go to his poker tournament with him and even though that was really sweet ofhim I dont want to waste $40 on losing the poker tournament and then spend more money at the bar afterwards. I know I sound like a cheap ass but we have been pretty broke lately. Decisions, decisions.

I got tagged for the first time yesterday to do a quiz which was pretty exciting. I don't know why it just was, so yeah me!

Today is poopy outside raining and cold and it is supposed to snow later on. My car really doesn't like this weather so I wish mother nature would respect that and be sunny and warm. This weekeng is supposed to be nice so thats good atleast.

You know when you are depressed and no matter what you do you are going to be unhappy so you really don't care what you do, thats what I feel like about this weekend. I think that is why I am finding it so hard to figure out what I want to do.

One of my possible students bought me a tea, what a sweetheart! That is the highlight of my day!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bathroom Invasion!

Stolenswan tagged me, so I have to fill out this little list

1. Body soap? Dove Honey body wash

2. Face wash? Walmart no name daily facials

3. Shampoo? treseme, herbal essences fruit, fructis, etc etc whatever I buy at the time

4. Moisturizer? Aveeno, Straberry Shortcake, Life brand Cocoa butter

5. Cologne/Perfume? London Glam by Rimmel, Vanilla body spray, soft and dry yellow body spray

6. Deodorant/Anti-perspirant? Degree Shower Clean

7. Toothpaste? Colgate Total

8. Mouthwash? Listerene

9. Razor? Life Brand Gilette

10. Shaving cream? Gillette Satin Care Gel in Vanilla, Strawberry, berries I switch it up all the time

11. Aftershave? can't say that I use any although after I shave I usually put on some moisturizer

12. Missed anything? conditioner I use pantente brunette once a week and then I use fruity no name stuff during the week

13. Whose bathroom shall we raid next? The selected participants are:

Lo Lo
Internet Lovers

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

happy hump day!

I have my dentist appointment today to get my tooth yanked out and I am scared as hell. I feel like telling a homeless person that it is made of gold so that he will rip it out of me without using needles. I am sure that if I told my doctor that I don't want needles he would do it but that is also an incredibly painful option.

I woke up feeling pretty sick this morning, I hope I am not getting that flu that is going around. My throat is killing me and my nose is really runny. So I am having some pineapple, mango and some purple fruit juice this morning. It tastes very nutricious and it is bright orange like a carrot and you know what they say, if it is the color of a carrot its as healthy as a carrot.

I brought my summer car out on Monday and I am loving it, I missed it so much. I love being able to drive somewhere and not have to worry about being pulled over by the cops and having my car taken off the road and I love not having to be embarassed when I drive up in my car. I was also very happy to find out that it did not need to have an e-test to get my sticker.

I am writing this in note pad and the two last paragraphs were exactly the same size....weird.

I woke up really late today which really sucks because I was having to rush all over the house to get everything done and I feel like a bag of crap now. I actually had to bring my toaster, bread and peanut butter because I did not have enough time to make breakfast. I also brought in my make-up because I was half asleep when I did mine so I am not to sure how it turned out and my hair is a horrible mess because I have a system every morning and when I stray away from that system everything goes off kilter. I am having some people from head office down and I wanted to look nice since itis the first time meeting them but, so much for that.

It snowed last night! Of course I bring out my summer car and it snows! Thankfully the roads were pretty much free of snow but I was still pretty mad about it. As I look outside I see more white shit falling from the sky, also not only is it crap that it is snowing but I made a bet with Darryl that it wasn'tgoing to snow again and I lost so now I owe him a back massage when I was already nice enough to give him one earlier this week. Crap! The good news is tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 10 degrees so that should take care of the white stuff and from what I see on the weather network it is also supposed to be a nice weekend. I have some more stuff around the house that I want to do so nice weather is appreciated.

Oooh! Also Valerie and I are probably going to go to the spa to get some stuff done. I bought her a gift certificate for Christmas and I got given one bythe guys I work with and for my birthday so it worked out well. I think I want to get a massage since I cut my nails this week for guitar.