Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Still Shopping

Last night we went to work to get the big screen tv and I guess when you buy a house you are not allowed to get credit until four months of owning the house so that they know you will pay your mortgage. So needless to say we didn't get approved for much. Since I successfully got rid of my shift for the next night we decided to go get the couches which we had money for at that time and work on the tv and everything tomorrow night. An hour drive later and some McDonalds we arrive to get our couches, they are still there in the same place we left them beautiful italian leather and oh so comfy. So, Darryl and I sit on the couches and work out which ones we want to get and how much it would come out to and then delivery on top of that and the warrantee. Once we make our decision we call over the salesperson with hideously long nails, not just eww she needs to cut those like how does she do anything with nails that long, wouldn't it be difficult to wipe after going pee with nails that are curling because they are so long..yuck! Anyway I am off topic so we are asking her the price of delivery and such and the salesperson that had came by earlier while we were still discussing the purchase and said we didn't need help walked by and glared at us. I felt like yelling, "we weren't ready then, and now we are, and you weren't around to kiss my ass!". Anywho...so we go over to the computer to put the sale in and she wanted to check the availability in the warehouse to give us an approximate delivery date. The couch was in the warehouse so delivery asap was no problem, the recliner however had to be shipped in from Italy and was not going to be here until January. As soon as I saw that on the screen I was thinking no way that is ridiculous, I guess we are going to have to get it. Then I look at Darryl and he has this oh well look on his face and I am thinking you have got to be kidding me, I am not waiting four months for a fucking recliner. Long story short, I am waiting four months for a recliner. It was the only leather set that we thought was comfy and it was perfect so we thought it will be worth the wait. So we decide to order it and the sale is processed and everything and the salesperson gives me this sheet of paper that said three days before you recliner is delivered I am going to need you to come in to pay the balance and bring this receipt with you. Great, where is the receipt with the stuff I bought today on it, I just bought a couch and a 5 year warrantee and you want me to leave with nothing?! So I expressed my concern and she looked at me like I had two heads and says, " you want that?" and looks at Darryl for help like I am being unreasonable. So she goes to the back for another 20 minutes and brings out a print off of their database, "this shows that you have the couch and the warrantee right there" (talking to me like I am fucking idiot) and she went on to say, " everything is in our system if anything goes wrong with the couch you just have to call us and we will pull it up and see that you have the warrantee". I felt like saying okay bitchface what if you get a virus and it wipes out your whole computer system what is there to say that I have the warrantee then, or even that I purchased the couch here. Instead I thanked her and walked out bitching about her attitude and how ridiculous it is to think I would walk out without some kind of receipt.

By the time we got home I opened the box for the wireless router plugged in the main part and no lights came on, I immiediately thought, fuck it and went and vegged on the couch with Darryl.


Anonymous said...
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Lisa said...

How rude. I hate it when sales people treat you like that. You were right to get a receipt or at least some paperwork to show proof of purchase of some kind. Sounds like your new lounge suite is lovely, 4 months for the recliner seems an awful long time..hope the rest of the suite doesn't look worn out and used by the time you get the chair from Italy lol

(I would've got very haughty with her for treating me like that. lol)