Friday, November 04, 2005

Wahoo for Friday

I was going to name this post TGIF but apparantly last Friday I already did that so I had to get

Everything seems to be a lot better, I got a call from Laura this morning and we made up officially. Yesterday we started talking but I dont think we really got anything accomplished so it was nice to hear from her this morning, it was a nice way to start my day.

Last nice we went out to Red Lobster (mmmm!) twice in one month I must be doing something right, teehee. Then we went out shopping and I got garbage bags, carpet cleaner and other fun stuff like that. Then I went grocery shopping and cleaned the whole house. I didn't realise how hard it is to go grocery shopping yourself, all of the heavy stuff stud muffin normally carries I had to and I had no company, and no one to joke around with. I have decided I dont want to go grocery shopping alone again, but something tells me I may have no choice.

It was nice to be able to be home alone and start cleaning the house and making it how I want it. I was non-stop cleaning from 8:30 to 10:30 and all I have left to do is windex some mirrors and sweep, wash and vacuum the floors.

Darryl parents are coming tonight which is a bit odd since they know he wont be home but oh well . I almost died of shock last night Darryl put money into our account for the mortgage and bills and he said whatever is left over I can have for shopping on Saturday with his mom, sweet eh? I was so happy he has NEVER encourages shopping. He is one of those guys that when he opens his wallet moths fly out.

I actually had a scary experience last night, I went to my moms house and I was reading the paper waiting for Valerie to finish getting ready and a wasp flew out at me and landed on me. I swatted it off and Valerie and my mom saved me by killing it but it was quite scary to have it fly out of nowhere right at me.

The diet is going good, I have been cutting down on what I eat at work and I have been bringing cup-a-soups to work with some crackers for lunch. I am hoping that next week when I am not expecting any visitors I can start working out and getting some of this fat off. The only thing that sucks about next week is that I work my second job 3 out of 5 nights, and that is the weekend Darryl is on days, poo!

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