Thursday, November 03, 2005

Whats so good about it

I went to my favorite site this morning, dilbert to read the comics like I like to do to kind of cheer me up and they have created something new called the dilbert blog. Personally I think its retarded how many people are jumping on the band wagon, soon Donald Trump is going to have a blog that talks all about the goings on at the Apprentice. Sure you may be thinking I am not one to talk but I had a Diaryland journal in 2001 I think and then after that I got a livejournal and now I just got a blog, so technically I have been doing this for a long time so, get off my back! lol j/k.

Well my life has been complete ass lately. I just found out last night that this girl at work hates me meanwhile I have been working with her for about two years and I talk to her about stuff once in awhile and she always invites me out yet she hates me. She even invited me to her wedding, like wtf! I didn't go but thats not the point, why invite me. Grr I dont even want to waste time on that topic, not worth it.

I picked up Val after work yesterday and I took her to my house and we watch America's Next Top Model, ate some junk food (really good for the diet) and then we talked until midnight. It was really nice and just what I needed. I was going to get her a blog but my computer was being retarded so I thought we will have to do it tonight or Friday instead. Tonight we are going to go out for dinner, pick up some stuff I need for the house and go grocery shopping. I am really excited about this because we havn't gone grocery shopping in three weeks and we are completely out of food.

I want to stop thinking about everything...grr!


Stolenswan said...

A girl hates you? I'd tell her she's got a mouth like a filthy whore. And then I'd laugh...and say I was kidding.

But you're not really kidding.

You mean it.

And that's even better.

cutiestar said...

lol yeah but you thats not a good way to keep your job at all. Speaking of on my last day I am going to hand the ops manager who does nothing his job summary and say just so you know what you are SUPPOSED to do.

Slowplum said...

Changing blogging venues doesn't count as "jumping on the bandwagon" so you are more than right in this case

I don't understand the whole blog craze either.

Maybe the girl at work is jealous of you.

Was it Chris Rock that said "women would rule the world if they actually broke down and started to LIKE each other"? Something like that.

cutiestar said...

lol wow I really like that and that is so true!