Tuesday, December 06, 2005

9 Days left!!

I am so flippin tired today I can't believe it. I just want to go back to bed. In fact this morning I turned off the alarm andalmost went back to bed when I realised that I had to get up. Grr!
My birthday is coming up and I am so excited, not as excited as I normally am but I am excited. Nothing ever really happenson my birthday and if something does happen its because I planned it. Oh well c'est la vie, I am used to it now so its nota big deal. I am excited for prezzies but the only people I am getting something from is Christina and Darryl because everyone else got me something before hand.

I would like to take this part of my post to say:
who turns 21 today!!!
Hope you have a great one hun! Hope you didn't party too hard last night. Although I just called her to wish her a happy birthday and sheis not answering so chances are she partied good and hard.

I got a new cell phone and changed my number and everything and it figures that as soon as I change my number peoplecall my old cell that I haven't talked to in forever. My old cell number has been my cell number for so long that it whateveryone knows. I think I am going to have to send out a bulk e-mail to everyone telling them my new number. So if you are reading this and you have my old cell phone number then don't call it, my sis it using it until the end of December sinceI didn't give 30 days notice so you will get her and not me.

My poor fish, the bowl is so dirty but I lack the energy or will to clean it. Today it definately has to be done but I am justso tired I am dreading it.
This week is so busy for me, I wanted to be able to clean the house but it doesn't look like I am going to have time. TodayI work at my second job until 11pm, tomorrow my mom is having a dinner for me and Christina for our birthday, Thursdayis Darryls birthday, Friday I work until 11pm again and then Saturday I work 10 - 6:30pm. Yuckeroo! I am dreading it.

At my part time job I work at customer service right up front by the doors and it is so cold from people coming in and out that I feel like I am going to die. I have really bad knees and when they get cold I can barely walk and am in a huge amountof pain. Valerie suggested wearing long johns so I think I am going to have to get a pair and I nice warm sweater. Tonightis supposed to be -15 so I am not looking forward to how up front is going to feel.

Figures I was going to drive my winter beater today but it hasn't been snowing or anything and I don't want to drive it when it doesn't have stickers yet so I took my summer car since I saw on the weather network that the weather was going to be nice all week. Boy were they wrong, I check the weather network today when I got to work and we are supposed to get 15-25 cm today. Damn winter! Well right now the weather looks good to we will see.

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