Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I went to a suprise birthday party for my grandma the other day and it was just basically all my aunts and uncles and my sisters. I was pretty good, I never really noticed how boring my extended family had gotten, it was probably because all of the cousins weren't there that I found it so boring. There is only so much sarcasm swapping you can take until you want to jab something sharp into your eyes, especially if you are going on 30 minutes sleep.

Darryls parents are visiting for the next few days tonight so I have spent my day off cleaning and cooking to prepare, Darryl promises me we will still go to the zoo but somehow I doubt that. I love them coming up so I am really excited about it but since I am going to be working midnights the entire time I am kind of stressed as to what they are going to eat while they are here since I am the cook but oh well. It should be good.

It frustrating to me when people are in my life and they don't understand what midnights are like, how you can't sleep....ever....and its really hard to do anything before or after work because you have to conserve your energy. I am kind of worried that Darryls parents may not get that and think I am lazy or something. Plus my garden is yucky looking because I haven't had time to take care of it so I am going to get shit for that too.

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