Friday, October 28, 2005


wow what a slow day! I am ready to fall asleep, Fridays are always really slow in the office. I thought the little kiddies in the building would be around trick or treating to keep me awake but as of yet they have not shown up.

After a ton of panicking and worrying my tv showed up but I was so mad because they are supposed to bring it in and set it up for you and they just left it there in the box. Grr some people are so lazy.

I got a happy meal for lunch and I got a chicken little toy which I was pretty excited about until after a ton of screwing around with I realised it doesn't work, poo!

I want to put a picture on here but I keep forgetting to bring in a picture and with all of my working lately I haven't had time to do it at home, I think I am going to do it tonight.

YEAH!!!! Laura is coming tonigh!! Wahoo! She is leaving work early so that she will get to my house around the same time as me which is good and bad. It kind of sucks because I just moved in on Friday and everyday since then I have been super busy so there is boxes everywhere and everything is unorganised. I was hoping to do a bit of cleaning before she arrived but I guess that wont be happening. OH! AND I have the harriest legs every imaginable right now and I woke up late this morning so I didn't have time to shave them and I plan on getting laid tonight so these puppies need to be shaved!

The most embarassing thing happened to me yesterday, I was going to the bathroom at work and I was taking out a tampon and someone came into my stall by accident just as I had taken the tampon out. The stupid lock is crappy on this door so even though I locked it she could still get in. So some stranger saw my tampon! I felt really bad for her because I think I would be totally grossed out and traumatised if that happened to me. Why does this kind of shit always happen to me.

Also for some of you that I haven't told this story to just to stay on the topic of totally embarassing things. There is this guy that just got hired in the same building as me and every morning he would go past my window. He was so gorgeous that I thought I would work up the courage to ask him if he wanted to go on a blind date with my sister. Well one day I am coming back from the bathroom and I am all alone in the hallway and since my hair was growing back (down there, from shaving) I had to itch it so since I was all alone I didn't think it was a big deal. So I start scratching my crotch and this hot guy is sitting at his desk staring at me. I was ready to die!

Hopefully you enjoyed my embarassing stories and learning way more then you wanted to know about me.


Lisa said...

omg, I was ready to die for you about the scratching thing lol And yeah, thanks, I really did enjoy reading those embarrassing memoirs of yours lol

My legs are pretty hairy at the moment too...well kinda half hairy if you get my meaning...the prickly kinda hairy that sticks through pantyhose...if I wore pantyhose that is...I loathe the things lol

Good to hear the tv turned up safe and sound. Have fun with Laura this weekend!

Lisa said...

Oops, came back to see if anything new had been posted and realised I never answered your question from below. I'm a medical receptionist, that's where all my yakking about patients comes from.

cutiestar said...

lol, well it sounds like a nice job although I am sure it does get hard sometimes. I read your post about the two older patients that you like, that would be really hard for you if you died and I think that is what I would have the most problem with. Getting close with people and having them move on.