Tuesday, November 01, 2005


A meme I stole from PB Sandwich

A to Z meme

A - Age of your first kiss: 11 I think

B - Bands you are listening to right now: love Theory of Deadman, Jimmy Eat World

C - Crush: Darryl

D - Dad's name: Milton

E - Easiest person to talk to: Darryl and Laura (depending on the situation one is better to talk to then the other)

F - Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip

G - Gummy worms or gummy bears: Hey if its chewy candy I love it

H - Hometown: its a secret...shhh..

I - Instrument: cello, violin, viola, guitar (although I haven't played any of these in about a bajillion years)

J - Junior High: I just had elementary and high school, there wasn't an option of junior high

K - Kids: nope

L - Longest car ride: I think going to see Gracie feels like the longest car ride now, but any car ride I had when I was a kid and car sick felt like the longest.

M - Mom's name: Mom

N - Nicknames: cutiestar, jugs, poe, Dessica

O -One wish: that me and Darryl will be together forever

P - Phobia: what is in the dark, snakes and spiders that are poisonous

Q - Quote: I have a bad memory so I can't remember any, sorry

R - Reasons to smile: my beautiful new house, and the realization of how many friends I have that helped or offered to help me move

S - Scent: Strawberry, Vanilla, Green Apply and anything berry

T - Time you woke up today: 7:00 am

U - Unknown fact about me: I think everyone I know knows everything about me, how about, I have hairy toes that I shave

V - Values: Work Hard, treat others how you would like to be treated

W - Worst luck with: everything

X-rays you've had: wrist, knees, chest

Y - Years since you've been to church: way too many probably in the viscinity of 15 years

Z – Where’s the zzzz? How about what time I went to bed? 11:00 p.m after some great sex


Lisa said...

Jugs?? hairy toes?? I'm getting a whole other picture of you in my head now lol

Great answers :)

Stolenswan said...

Oh Dessica.

Y'know....yesterday Darryl was telling me that the only reason he has bad luck is because your bad luck has rubbed off on him.


cutiestar said...

Yeah but we all know he lies..teehee