Tuesday, November 01, 2005

So tired...want to sleep...

Brr it is freaking freezing in my office. I don't want to wear my jacket because then when I go outside I will be even more cold then before.

Last night was nice, we didn't get many kids at our house which really sucked. We had a cool pumpking out and everything but I am just glad we didn't go all out and then only have 10 kids. Needless to say we have a ton of Halloween candy left and when I am supposed to be on a diet it makes it really hard to resist.

I started unpacking some more boxes last night and I actually got a lot put away and with the new coffee table in the family room and some pictures up, its starting to look really home'ie.

I have to work both jobs today which sucks and I really dont want to do but normally when I am dredding it all day it actually turns out to not be so bad. It just really annoys me when I am closing with new people so everything takes forever longer then it really should.

I am really looking forward to Darryls parents coming up this weekend, they should be coming up Saturday and then staying until Sunday. His moms wants to have a "girls day" with me and his sister and go out shopping and stuff. I have no idea what to make for dinner or lunch considering I have never cooked for more then two people before. Thanks to Vals help I think I am going to make a lasagna to freeze and have for lunch and then make some potato salad and some steak for dinner. Thank goodness she is going to be coming over Friday night to help me out.

I am going to be doing a job fair tomorrow and I am so nervous! I have no idea what to wear or what is going to happen and I am hoping that it is over at 5 because I have my other job to go to after that. Now I am ranting and freaking out, I hate talking in front of a large group of people so I am really hoping the girl that is going with me will be able to help me out and get me over it. Although I just heard that her babysitter sprained her ankle and she has no one to watch her kids so I am not sure if I am going to have to go alone or if they are going to call and say we can't make it.

Goal of the day: Must resist candy!


Lisa said...

I almost went out and bought a whole lot of candy, until I realised I was in NZ and noone would be interested in eating it except me and my kids. I'm not dieting, but I should be, so I'm glad I didn't buy any, cos noone turned up at the door anyway lol

Best of luck with your talk at the fair. I'm rooting for ya!

cutiestar said...

Thanks hun! Good idea on not buying any candy, I wish I hadn't now I have all of this temptation lying around the house. :)