Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just call me four eyes

My old part time job has been screwing me around lately and I finally had enough of it. Basically long story short some asshole wouldn't let me take vacation at Christmas so I quit, meanwhile the store manager said they would hire me back in the new year. So I reapplied about a month ago and I justfound out last weekend they had no intention of hiring me back because the stupid asshole doesn't like me. I personally think that no matter what your feelings are about someone you should never let them interfere with your decisions. I have decided to write a letter to head office regarding this issue.I am also getting some people that I know to write letters as well on my behalf speaking of the excellent customer service I gave them. One of my momsfriends will only come in when I am there because she says she gets horrible treatment otherwise. Now I know what you are thinking I only treat themthat way because I know them, but that is not true, I treat everyone the same. In over three years of working there I have never had one customercomplaint. I am not sure what I expect to get out of this, part of me wants my job back and part of me doesn't because, honestly why would I want towork for a company that is going to treat me like that. This asshole has treated many other people like this as well as sexually harassed many of the women that work there. You can't even call them women, they are 16 year old girls most of them. I am going to send the letter registered mail so thatI will have record of who signed for it and then I will call and follow up once I know they have received it.

I got my new glasses on Friday which I was really happy about. I think they look good on me, Darryl said they are going to take some getting used to. Everyone at work loves them on me which is nice to hear. When I was in on Friday I tried on some contacts since I have been thinking about gettingsome green or blue ones. It was really frustrating trying to get them in, I was ready to just oder the ones I thought looked the best and I would figure out how to put them in later. The thing of it is, is that they can look really nice in the container but on your eyes it could be another story. Thisone pair I tried on looked like a really nice bright blue color, when I tried them on I looked like a freak sprung out on coke or something. I finally found a pair that I liked it is a dark blue colour, I think they looked pretty natural and really good on me but, I was alone so I have no one else's opinion but mine. I am hoping they get here by the end of the week so I can show Darryl he loves blue so I think he will love them.

I have been having asthma attacks all morning. I can't figure it out I am not near any smoke and its not so cold in here that there is lack of oxygen, Idon't get it. If I don't get better soon I may have to go to the clinic because my puffer hasn't done anything so far.

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