Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St.Patty's Day all!

I am going to rant again so get ready for it....

Yesterday I get off work and just as I get in the car my cell phone rings, its my sister and she wants to know if I can bring her some smokes. Well I don't have any money so I have to go to her work, get her bank card, get the cigarettes and then bring them back to her. I let her know that I am on my way to my guitar lessons but as soon as I am done I can do it. Just as I get out of my guitar lessons, I call home to tell Darryl that I will be a bit longer because I have to do something for Valerie and he says he was trying to get a hold of me to pick up some pepsi but again I have no money so he tells me to put it on my credit card. (Grr another stop, thats annoying). So I go to Valeries work and not only is my mom there but two additional people that could go get her smokes. (Grrr thats annoying) My mom says that she will go get them for her and so I leave to go to pick up the pepsi. I go to Shoppers to get it and get two 12 packs so I am trying to balance them both and unlock my car door, and since all of my seats are occupied withmy guitar or my bag I have to put it on the floor but not before I smack myself in the face with one. Then I get home and I am trying to balance twowe packs of pepsi, my guitar and my bag while tredging through snow that has not been cleared trying not to kill myself on the ice on the landing. Then the door is locked so I have to bang on the door with my guitar case. Now after all of this I am not in a good mood, I am kind of annoyed and I just needto calm down, then Darryl says to me, "are you upset AGAIN" I felt like kicking him in the nuts.

And tredging through the snow may not seem like a big deal to you guys but when I was supposed to have the garage every two weeks, and he has had it for the past month it annoys me. AND when I have to tredge through the snow and get the bottoms of my pants wet because he will not shovel and then I spend the rest of the day with wet pants that are making me freezing it kind of makes me annoyed.

Okay I am done venting, there is so much more that has happened but I think I may have a heart attack if I even begin to think about it.

Have some green beer today, I know I will! As my wise sister said, "you have to support drinking holidays".

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