Monday, March 13, 2006

Somebody's got a case of the Mondays!

Today has been one crazy day, but a good crazy day. I was worried that this week would be as bad as last week but so far so good, *knock on wood*.Yesterday I had a great day with Darryl, we went shopping for patio furniture and bbq's. Originally we just were going to go to Rona to look at someceramic tile for the kitchen and some patio stones for the patio we are going to make but then we realised that was boring and we went to Costcoand to Walmart. Costco had the lawn mower that we had wanted and with Costco nothing lasts on the shelf there so we picked it up and we also scored a wet suit there really cheap, we actually saw one at Canadian Tire later that day for $50 more that wasn't as good quality. We found a patioset that we really like at Walmart, it is the perfect size and seats six people which is good. Then we borrowed some movies from Val and went home and vegged on the couch.

Laura came up this weekend which was really nice. We hadn't seen eachother since my birthday so I missed her a lot. On Friday we had a chicken lasagna that I made and then went out to the GT Boutique!!!! So you all know I was extatic about that. I bought a really nice knitted sweater and abrown halter top really cheap and they are nice for the office. After that we pretty much just watched a movie and talked. Saturday we got up fairlyearly and went to an outlet store about 30 minutes away, went to lunch, and went to a used bookstore. After dinner we watched tv and scrapbooked until Laura and I were falling asleep on the couch.

This weekend made me really wish she lived in Barrie so that we could get together more often and help each other out more often. There are certaincooking tips and secrets she knows and I have some life secrets. Its nice to have a girl to talk to and hang out with since I don't have a lot of girlfriends.

I hate when I start writing a blog entry and I get interupted a billion times and by the time I actually get back to writing it I forget everything I wasgoing to write.

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