Friday, June 16, 2006

I am sitting here drinking a beer and damn it tastes so good. I know I look so tired in that pic and to tell you the truth, I am. I have had such a busy week, getting up early everyday and running errands when I get home, I have earned this beer damnit! Teehee.

I went for an interview today and well I thought it went well but it was really weird. They basically just told me about how hard the job would be and what the candidate they were looking for would need and didn't ask me any questions. I tried to highlight things on my resume that shows I have experience in what they are looking for but maybe that just made me sound desperate. All I know is they were supposed to call tonight with their decision or write an e-mail if it is too late and I haven't heard anything so I guess I am not the right candidate. Story of my life.

I can't remember if I mentioned this or not and I am too lazy to go look but where I am working now offered me a job for atleast until the end of the summer. Now it pays relatively well but there is a lot of traveling which I have may have mentioned once or so I am really not sure what to do. I guess I am going to have to do a lot of thinking this weekend.

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