Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted, I have been super busy and super tired. By the time I get home after having driven an hour to get there all I want to do is eat and veg on the couch. Unfortunately we are doing some home improvements so that is not allowed.

So some of you may be thinking, how do you like the new job? Umm...I don't. Well not true after extremely minimal training I finally know what I am doing so I am a lot more comfortable with everything and am getting better staying busy all day. Everyone I work with but one are very friendly. Really, the only thing I hate is the drive, I seriously wish the job was in my city because they are talking about hiring me on permanently but I could not handle the drive permanently. I have been praying to god every day that I find a job close to home. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I just can't handle the drive anymore.

Last week I had days where I would be doing nothing for two hours straight just trying to find something to do. I would drink a ton of water so that I would have to pee and then I would actually have something to do, thats bad eh?

When I was growing up whenever we didn't want to do something my mom never made us (within reason). Anytime, even now, I tell my mom about how I have to do such and such but I don't want to, her answer is, then don't. Going through hell waking up at an ungodly hour, driving in horrible traffic for an hour if I am lucky, working my day and then driving another hour in horrible traffic if I am lucky home makes me want to quit and just stay on employment insurance until something comes up. The thing of it is though, I am not longer 12 and I have to do things I don't like to do once in awhile, ei hasn't paid me a dime yet and I have been unemployed for 6 weeks now and well with owning a house bills have to get paid. I realise all of this but the urge is still there to stomp my feet and yell, " I DON'T WANNA GO!"

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