Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well its 8:41am and I just woke up, really don't feel like working today but not much has changed since yesterday. I got woken up at 2am by Darryl slamming cupboards and objects, I originally thought he much be making a five course meal but in reality he was just making juice, I thought I was going to kill him. So from that point on I could not get to sleep, growing more annoyed every minute. 4am was about the time I finally fell back asleep. The good thing is that I am working from home today so I got to sleep in until 8:30am.

I decided last week that I think I am going to get a part time job for Christmas. I would feel better having my own money to spend on presents and just that nice buffer should anything go wrong that we have the extra money there. Plus if I am working almost every weekend, we wont be going out and spending money. I am trying to think of all the stores that I would like to work that are around my area. I am definately never going back to Future Shop even if the asshole manager did get transfered. Its like a cult there and everyone parties with everyone else and if you don't then you are just an outcast. I partied with everyone but I hated feeling like I had to and I am now at the point in my life that I don't want to go out in party. Plus no one from there has kept in touch with me at all so I am obviously not that much of a friend to them.

I am so tired and so blah feeling I think I am going to have to change my blog layout.

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