Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Its supposed to snow today

I have been looking online for some cool ideas for my pumkin because we are going to be carving it this weekend since Halloween is on Tuesday. I think I am going to try and convince Darryl to decorate a little bit more, even if we just go to the dollar store and get some stuff. We haven't even bought candy to hand out yet which is probably for the best because I know it would call to me and my only option would be to eat it. And well.....my ass doesn't like when I do that because then its only option is to get huge. Its hard to carve a really cool looking pumpkin without being inappropriate. Last year I had a cool idea of a gun shot wound pumkin that was going to look really cool but since we have little kids come to our house Darryl didn't think it was a good idea.

I am hopefully going to get my teeth taken out this Friday, I say hopefuly only because the sooner I get them out the sooner I can get my braces on and that is the only reason. I am trying not to think about all of the yanking and needles that are going to be involved and instead thinking of the happy word my dentist used to describe it, "wiggle them out". I wish it was just wiggle, it makes it sound like you are going to tickle the teeth and because they hate tickling they are going to wiggle and squirm and come out. Wouldn't that be great? Although you would have to be really careful not to tickle your teeth that are perfect the way they are.

My stove is broken, I am thinking it probably didn't get the memo that said we are broke and they fewer things that need repairing/replacing the better. I have a guy coming in tomorrow to take a look at it and until then we are living off left over pizza from Sunday. I don't think I could put into words how sick I am of pizza. My vacuum is also broken, stupid piece of crap. I put this carpet deodorizer on and it wont even suck that up, of course I find this out after I have put the deodorizer down and before we are about to have company over.

For the past two weeks I have been addicted to a show called the Real World: Austin. Yes it is a reality show and I am ashamed but it is really good! Plus we have all of the episodes saved on our Rogers On Demand. Every spare second I got I was watching this show and part of me said there are only 20 episodes you should space them out so they will last longer but no I couldn't take the suspense and I watched all of them and now I am sad because there is a void there where I used to watch Real World. Ia m just hoping Rogers updates their archives and puts a different Real World there. I should write them an e-mail and explain my addiction and how I need to live my life vicariously through various reality tv shows.

I should really start thinking about doing some work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reality shows are your weakness.

Reality shows are to you what Star Trek is to me. You don't really like admiting to people you enjoy them but you can't get enough of it.

I think your vacuum and stove are part of a master plan by your appliances to take you down. Next thing you know your fridge is going to take Darryl's arm off while he's innocently grabbing for a beer. Now that would be reality TV I'd watch!
