Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I tried writing on here about two weeks ago about the fact that I was getting teeth pulled and how nervous I was etc. but then it deleted the whole thing and I got frustrated and said fuck it.

A lot has happened lately so bare with me. I got four teeth removed in order to prepare for the braces being put on. My dentist said it is easier to get two removed then two weeks later the other two. I was absolutely terrified to get this procedure done, although hearing him refer to the procedure as wiggling them out made me feel somewhat better about it, that maybe it was just wiggling them out and I was over reacting. The needles were the part that I was definately not looking forward to, that I knew without a doubt that it would be extremely painful.

The procedure wasn't that bad, later on was the hard part. I was in a ton of pain and it was a 20 minute wait at the pharmacy to get my tylenol 3's and then I got home and had a fever from the pain and was shaking. The tylenol three's were not working and I had to wait 4 hours before I could take anything else. For the next week I was in intense pain only to find out that the holes didn't clot properly and I had dry sockets, let me tell you not the funnest experience I have ever had. The second two were not as bad as the first, the needles hurt like hell but the rest of it was fine and in two days the first two hurt more then the second two.

This past Monday I got my braces on, it wasn't painful at all and I was surprised how quickly they were put on. About an hour after I had them put on a bracket came off (not my fault), then I go back get it put back on and two hours later another one comes off, so I go back again, and then that night another one pops off. I am getting so annoyed with this whole thing especially since I have been living off of soup so this definately was not my fault.

Shortly after my third bracket broke I got a call from my work notifying me that I was fired and that it "just wasn't working out". Can I just tell you that after getting braces put on and being right before Christmas their timing couldn't have been any better. I am really pissed off about the situation and how I was never given any warning but I can't change what happened so there is no sense in wasting my energy being pissed off about it.

This weekend I am going to Darryl's Christmas party for his work and my hair has gone all brassy and my roots are showing so I have to get my hair dyed. I am thinking about going with highlights but I am going to be box dying it so I am kind of nervous to fuck around with highlights, especially since the last time I tried it I ended up with orange hair. hmm....we'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about everything hun.

If you ever need anything I am just a phone call away and just an hour and a half drive away.
