Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Well 8 days of work down, 324 hours, a million and one scratches on my arms, two bruises on my legs and down 3 pounds. Yeah me! I was kind of upset yesterday because I found out we have mandatory overtime on Friday for 5 hours considering I already had plans for my Friday which including cleaning for guests and relaxing none of which I get to do but I still have to try and fit in cleaning during the week when I am already exhausted. Its not really the fact that I had plans that pisses me off the most its that I hate being told I HAVE to do something and I have no choice in the matter. I thought about looking into the labour board and seeing what my rights are and fighting it but honestly if they had it optional I would probably work it anyway considering we need the money right now.

Laura is coming up this weekend which I am really excited about, I feel really bad our weekend has been cut short but what can ya do when you work for the man. We have a jam packed day of shopping and Christmas baking planned and then a night of dinner and relaxing. Sounds perfect to me. It is Darryls birthday this weekend and I feel really bad but we are not going to be doing anything except going out for dinner to celebrate. I think you get to a certain age when a birthday is just a birthday and some years you like to go all out for it but some you are content to just get presents and have people treat you really well.

My birthday is next Friday, December 15th. I am really excited because unlike every other year my mom hasn't gotten me anything for my birthday ahead of time which means I have pressies to look forward to!!! I am really hoping they aren't going to have mandatory overtime on my birthday because I am really looking forward to relaxing and going to see The Pursuit of Happiness. It looks amazing and it comes out on my birthday so I really want to go see it. Yuo can watch the trailor here:


Lisa said...

Good for you for getting the job. Sounds tough work though, when you were talking about all those boxes that have the stuff suctioned in them, I was thinking about how toned your arms must be getting and how big your biceps must look lol

It's annoying and frustrating when you have to change plans at the last minute, that would surely piss me off. But then sometimes it can't be helped.

Best of luck with everything hun, hope Darryl enjoys his birthday this weekend and you both have a great time with Laura visiting.

cutiestar said...

Thank you very much for your well wishes, I hope everything is going good with you, Yeah, I have lost some weight now which is the only upside to the job..teehee. Hope you have a great weekend too!